Oh, the vibrant world of poker! It's a world where the flamboyant personalities are just as dazzling as the high stakes games they participate in. And speaking of vivacious personalities, one name that stands out in the crowd is Marcel Lüske, known as "The Flying Dutchman". Now, you might be wondering what Marcel is such a [...]

When you sit at a poker table, the clinking of chips echoing in your ears, the tension palpable, do you ever think to yourself, "Wow, there are just too many people here"? Maybe it's time to venture into the world of short-handed poker. Short-handed poker can be a different kind of roller coaster ride [....]

Imagine this: you are sitting at a poker table, surrounded by a motley crew of players, each with their own unique strategies, ticks and stories. In addition to chips and cards, you have another powerful tool at your disposal - one that doesn't come in a shiny deck or a stack of chips. It is the [...]

Meditation and mindfulness Have you ever gasped at a poker game, with sweaty palms and pounding hearts, watching your fortune being wiped out by the seemingly mystical power of a "cooler"? If so, you're not the only one. Most poker players have suffered from this [...] at one time or another.

Low stakes poker Have you ever walked into a poker room with a glimpse of a scene straight out of a Hollywood movie and then suddenly realized that the minimum buy-in was the same as paying off your car? Well, friends, if you answered yes, then you have come to the right place. Welcome to the [...]

Poker Equity Welcome, dear reader, to the exciting world of poker, where fortunes are made with a combination of skill, strategy and a little luck. Today we venture into the heart of poker strategy: the fascinating concept of poker equity. So, sit back, relax, and let's journey together through the intricate corridors of poker [...].

Poker and hubris The finest card game in existence is not just any game; it is the exuberant rush, the ecstatic dance of mind and chance we call poker. Picture it for yourself, my dear friend: the metallic serenade of chips intertwining, a ballet of cards that create a rhythmic shuffle [...].

A little history of poker Once upon a time, in the card-filled, dimly lit saloons of the Wild West, poker was a simple game. A straight beat a flush and a full house could buy you a full saloon. But times change, and so poker evolved into a complicated dance of strategy, bravado and [...]

How do you deal with downswings? Poker, a game that requires a unique combination of skill and luck, involves unpredictable shifts known as poker downswings. These downswings can severely test the emotional resilience and mental strength of novice and experienced players alike. A downswing can dampen mood, self-assurance [...].

All About Bluffing in Poker Have you ever watched the final table of a major poker tournament and wondered, "How on earth did they manage to bluff there?" It's a miracle, isn't it? But it's not magic. It's art, mixed with a hefty dose of science, and today we dive into the heart of this [...]

The Unlikely Switch: A Twist of Fate Ever sit in the middle of a hand, staring at a tall stack of chips, the tension palpable, the stakes rising, and then out of nowhere you are overcome by an irresistible urge to drop everything and play (act) Hollywood? No. Well, let me give you [...]

Blind Structures at Poker So you want to delve into the world of high-stakes poker tournaments? Great! Whether you want to dominate your next Friday night friendly tournament or beat the Titans at the World Series of Poker, understanding blind structures is essential to your strategy. But who wants a boring, [...]