Oh, what a story I have for you today, dear readers! Picture this: a young girl barely 4 years old, sitting at a table, holding cards that were almost too big for her small hands. This was the beginning of a journey that would lead to the magnificent [...]

There is a little secret in poker, and no, it is not inside information about who is going to crack his aces. Have you ever wondered how the best poker players can keep their cool even when the stakes are as high as the Eiffel Tower? The answer lies in poker visualization, an underrated mental game within the physical [...].

Ever been fascinated by the riddle of a poker game and wondered how to perfect your strategy? The answer is as subtle as a stroke with a one-brush brush, but as powerful as the entire canvas: Polarized ranges. And no, this is not about choosing the perfect sunglasses, although we [...]

You sit at a poker table, surrounded by a group of shrewd opponents all with a poker face as impenetrable as a brick wall. Your heart is racing as you judge your hand, but you know there is more to poker than just the cards. Conversations at the poker table, the art of talking while [...].

Poker is more than just a card game; it is a social dance based on strategy, skill and, importantly, etiquette. Understanding the unwritten poker rules of poker etiquette not only ensures an enjoyable game, but also strengthens your reputation and bond with fellow players. We dive deep into the unspoken conventions [...].

Babbling or dominating? That, my friend, is the question. Whether you are a seasoned shark in the ocean of poker or a tadpole just beginning to understand the ecosystem, your image at the poker table or "Table Persona" plays an incredible role in the game. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the [...]

Understanding the power of your breathing Poker tells are the subtle, often unintentional, behaviors or patterns that players exhibit at the poker table that provide insight into the strength or nature of their hands. These signals can range from physical ticks, such as tapping fingers or dilated pupils, to patterns in betting, such as hesitation or [...]

Oh, the vibrant world of poker! It's a world where the flamboyant personalities are just as dazzling as the high stakes games they participate in. And speaking of vivacious personalities, one name that stands out in the crowd is Marcel Lüske, known as "The Flying Dutchman". Now, you might be wondering what Marcel is such a [...]

Poker Etiquette New to poker? Welcome aboard! When you first walk into a casino or an online poker room, you may think that there is nothing more complicated than knowing when to holden them and when to fold them. But oh, how complicated the plot gets! After all, poker is not just about [...]

Tools are essential to your poker game Have you ever heard of the poker player who didn't need tools to analyze his game? No, neither have I, because that's as mythical as the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot or the Chupacabra. In the world of cards, as in life, self-improvement is the [...]

Poker against one opponent Heads-up poker is an exciting and intense form of the game where you compete against one opponent. In this high-pressure arena, every move is magnified and the right strategy can make the difference between victory and defeat. If you want to take your poker skills to the next level [....]

It's all mindset Oh, the exciting world of poker! A world where the mind dances between strategy and chance, constantly flirting with the tantalizing possibility of victory. But let's not get carried away just yet. Before you introduce yourself as the next poker maestro, let's embark on a journey to create a growth mindset [...].